Thursday, February 15, 2007

The Abandoned Bridge

The Abandoned Bridge

Today was like any other day in the Slooperest Forrest. Ya know, Trey the Concluder, concluding...Don Juan scouting for the local village full of lovely lady friends (HEHE) and Fat Boy (in front, not the best spot for him to be) Farting as usual.

It all started about the time Fat Boy past gas (tooting the star spangled banner) we stumbled upon The Abandoned Bridge. Oh what a sight it was...First thing that came to mind was "I wonder how sturdy it is".

Fat Boy and Don Juan walk up to The Abandoned Bridge, look at each other and grin! We both connected right then. The first steps of mankind were about to be made here (in our eyes), excitement has arisen!

As we proceed we hear a ccrrreeeekkkkk! We brace ourselves for the worst. And wouldn't you know it, i get this pungent smell right up my sniffer! Fat Boy!! Right then the connection was broken and it was every man for himself.

After Fat Boy and i got back to safety Trey the Concluder enters

the scene. "Buddies i think what we have here is just two scared babies", says Trey the Concluder. Fat Boy and i just laughed!

As Trey the Concluder walked Fat Boy out on to the bridge he gave us some reassurance that everything was all right. But i was still unsure.?.

In the End Fat Boy would rather play or cross thru the water, Trey the Concluder stays smart and Don Juan awaits the ladies in the village. Till Next Time...Have Great Day ! !

If You like what you read leave a comment and tell us. The spelling and grammar might not be perfect but that shouldn't matter...Again, Have a Great Day!