Saturday, January 27, 2007

First Adventure of the Year

We scuried thru the brush and to our find...that the creek was deep. O' My! Then Jace Farted!

These are my Adventurous Partners in Crime...We are the Nasty Quadrupos'...HEHE

Look for more adventures to come with the Nasty Quadrupos'...

Photo's By ISC Team: (very top) Mia (aka: fat butt), (top left) Trey (aka: the concluder),

(middle left) Skip (aka: Don Juan) and (bottom right) Jace (aka: fatboy)

PS If you would like to here more of these adventures but with sound and us at:


Hello everyone...This is my first blog so bare with me. NC Nature Blog is going to be so much fun! Comments are welcome and don't hesitate, just do it...LOL

NC Nature Blog is going to be about NC nature and what wonderful, beautiful things we have here in NC. Expectations will be upheld...i will bring you tons of pics and info from the time i wake up in the morning, till i go to sleep drunk that night...JK...LOL! See BS fun already. Visit as freely as you like and Enjoy!